Cult of the Serpent - part 3 of 5
Another account dealing with subsurface phenomena and creatures
appeared in the June, 1945 issue of AMAZING STORIES, in a letter submitted to
that magazine by Jerry LaPriore (at the time) of 2024 Pleasant St., Fall River,
Mass. The letter stated:
"You asked for stories that might relate to... the caves. My
mother was told this story by an old man who said it was true as truth itself:
This man and a friend were hunting, agreeing this time to go to a portion of the
wood's to which they did not normally go. They saw a deer and gave chase. It
jumped through a clump of bushes and they followed--to find themselves
unaccountably in the strangest surroundings. They were in a huge cavern that had
numerous passageways leading from it. Before them was a monster-like man they
thought was the Devil himself. The monster stared, and the two men stared back.
One of them fainted from fear, and the man who told my mother the story dragged
the other away in panic, and as he did so, found himself just as mysteriously in
the forest again. The old man's friend died a week later as a result of the
shock he had suffered. The old man tried later to find the cave again, but
failed. I know this story is true because my mother does not tell fairy tales
and because she believes it."
The previous letters appeared in the wake of the so-called "Shaver
Mystery" which occupied the pages of AMAZING STORIES Magazine throughout the
years 1945-1950. The "mystery" was based on the writings of a welder by the name
of Richard S. Shaver, who had written several admittedly science fact-fiction
stories after his initial manuscript A WARNING TO FUTURE MAN (which was
re-written into "science fiction" format by A.S. editor Ray Palmer) originally
appeared in AMAZING STORIES. These stories dealt with an underground world
inhabited by human-like people called "Tero's" and their mortal enemies -
grotesque, inhuman creatures called "Dero's". Both of these "races" allegedly
had access to ancient "recovered" technologies including a machine which
supposedly projected encephalographic thought-waves via rays electronically over
long distances. Richard Shaver claimed to have visited this subterranean realm
only once physically - entering via row-boat through a shore-side cave hidden in
a bay somewhere east of Washington D.C. Incidentally, as we've indicated
elsewhere, there are accounts which allege that an entire system of ancient
"Atlantean" tunnels with extremely hard, glazed linings have been discovered
beneath the D.C. area, and that these ultimately lead to an ancient "Atlantean"
subterranean complex which some say was in ancient times, and is still now,
known as "NOD" - could this be a reference to the descendants of Cain? - see:
Gen. 4:13-16 and also the book "WEIRD AMERICA", by Jim Branden., (E.P. Dutton
& Co., N.Y. 1978). Shaver claims that while visiting his "Tero" friends in
their underground city they were suddenly and without warning attacked by a
group of several "Dero" who wielded beam-like weapons, yet Shaver himself for
reasons unknown was spared. After the attackers left, and after he realized that
all of his "friends" in the underground city were dead, Shaver allegedly then
left the subterranean realm the way he came and never physically returned. This
was the only physical and tangible encounter Shaver claimed to have had.
After this, he says, the "inspiration" for his stories came in the
form of messages received from these "thought-projection" machines. His stories,
however, became much more confused and occult after this, and even
anti-Christian in nature. Although we certainly do not doubt Shaver's former
sincerity (he passed away in the mid-1970's) nor his intentions, from various
indications we must make the definite conclusion that the "voices" which he
heard thereafter did not originate from the "tero's" utilizing
thought-projection machines but actually from sources far more infernal, and
perhaps reptilian, in nature - which were in fact masquerading as "Tero's". In
other words - not denying Shaver's original encounter - the powers of darkness,
we believe, began manipulating Shaver in order to spread confusion and
disinformation about this underground realm and it's inhabitants, the reality of
which (if we are to believe certain sources referred to earlier in these
reports) was beginning to become known by certain groups on the surface such as
secret societies, deep-level government agencies, and people such as George A.
Lehew, Jerry LaPriore, and hundreds of others who were having physical
encounters or knew of physical encounters with the outskirts of this "nether"
world. Could this have been the reason that "they" spared Shaver? Is it possible
that they cunningly intended to use someone to spread false information about
the subterranean regions when in fact that person actually believed in the
"information" he was receiving?
We in all fairness must state that Shaver accuses RAYMOND A.
PALMER of taking his writings such as the original "A WARNING TO FUTURE MAN"
(describing an imminent invasion of the surface by a malevolent subterranean
race) and "rewriting" it in the form of the novelette "I REMEMBER LEMURIA".
Shaver alleges that Palmer took his writings and expanded them into a
science-fiction-occult format so that the original essay would be acceptable to
his science-fiction audience and gain wider exposure. If this was the case then
Palmer and Shaver's plan may have backfired since many mis-led souls, aware of
the basic truths of the cavern world, began flocking to AMAZING STORIES,
believing every word of Shaver's re-written stories. Even though Shaver was
apparently convinced that the stories he received via mental projection or the
so-called "thought-machines" were true, they nevertheless contained many occult,
confused and contradictory ideas even before he sent them on to Palmer. However
Palmer must also be implicated in this if Shaver is correct in his allegations
that Palmer "occultized" his writings even more, and that Palmer also added the
idea that the stories were based on "racial memories", among several other
alterations. Perhaps Palmer was the one most responsible for squandering what
might have potentially been a singular opportunity to educate the masses about
the underground realm and the activities taking place there, and the affect some
of that activity had upon the every-day lives of surface humanity. How much of
the present travesty taking place in the government-alien scenario might have
been avoided if the uncorrupted TRUTH were known in the 1940's when the "Shaver
Mystery" was hitting the news-stands and molding the thinking of literally tens
of thousands of AMAZING STORIES readers? The very methods used by Shaver and
Palmer to "warn" the human race about this subject to some extent did just the
opposite and brought ridicule on the whole field of "paraspeleological"
research. Many of Palmer's obviously fictionalized and implausible "additions"
to Shaver's writings, originally intended to make the subject "palatable" to the
mass readership, may have in fact had an adverse affect.
If then Shaver was being used as an unwitting "disinformation
agent", then why would these powers of darkness - the serpent races and their
demonic allies - wish to hide the truth concerning, if not the very existence
of, such a nether region from surface society? We believe that the reasons are
obvious. Although not all, much of this nether "world" is being used by the
"infernals" as a base of operations in their ages-old "Cosmic Conspiracy" or
conflict with the Creator and the souls- conscience of mankind. The less we on
the surface know about their existence and activities, the better it will be for
their hellish cause. Shaver and Palmer as we said may have been unknowing pawns
who were being used to not only spread disinformation but also to bring others
under the supernatural influence of these dark powers by encouraging the readers
to attempt to establish "thought-contact" with these underground races by means
which have in the past been attributed to witchcraft and the occult. Many of the
researchers involved in compiling these files personally know of several people
who have had their lives all but destroyed by taking "their" advice and, via
occult methods, have attempted to contact these underworld beings via psychic or
telepathic means. And after having done so have become oppressed, tormented or
even possessed by beings who are absolutely malignant in nature and insensitive
to humanities welfare. Also, mental illness, schizophrenia, and even suicide is
not unheard of among those who have decided through occult or witchcraft-related
means to open up their spirits to any or all paraphysical beings which may be
inhabiting the ether around them, in hopes of tapping-in to some benevolent
subterranean beings' thought-beam.
We will state here that if anyone is seeking to make their life
easier by joining up with an advanced race of technological beings, whether
subterrestrial or extraterrestrial, they will be disappointed, as there is no
single place in the universe outside of Eternal Paradise itself where one will
be completely free from the relentless attacks of the powers of darkness and
their insatiable attempts to devour life and vitality wherever they may find it.
This is something any society has to deal with, no matter how technologically
sophisticated they may be. Physical technology cannot solve non-physical or
spiritual problems. Palmer's deeply occult philosophies are evidenced by the
fact that he went on to create FATE and SEARCH magazine(s) which, although
occasionally providing some useful information, nevertheless propounded the
"virtues" of witchcraft, spiritism and the occult. Our Creator was not being
insensitively strict when He warned us to stay away from dealings with the
occult or the supernatural outside of his protection. He gave this command for
our own good, so that we would not end up as the degenerate spiritual slaves to
infernal creatures that are ever seeking to gain control of our spiritual
nature. In Deuteronomy chapter 18: vs. 10-11 we read:
"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or
his daughter to pass through the fire (child or human sacrifice), or that useth
divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
"Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard,
or a necromancer."
In spite of the Shaver - Palmer controversy, there actually have
been other accounts which have described alleged PHYSICAL encounters with the
underground realm, as well as with beings known as the "dero" and the "tero". It
is uncertain whether Shaver intended to describe the "dero" as a runaway race of
antediluvian, perhaps infernally controlled, self-perpetuating androids; or as
non-human reptilian beings; or as a race of mind- controlled human sorcerers.
All three groups have apparently come under the term "dero" in Shaver's stories
(and the accounts concerning them which have been related by others), possibly
due to the confusion resulting from the source from which Shaver received many
of his alleged "revelations" as well as Palmer's own occult and
science-fictionalized installments. Perhaps the term "dero" was meant to denote
a more general de-generate state of being, rather than a particular entity!?
One account, for instance, which appeared in an early issue of
CAVEAT EMPTOR magazine (P.O. Box 4553., Metuchen, NJ 08820- 4533), concerned a
physical encounter with a HUMAN subterranean race. The account was related by an
individual whose girlfriend 'Laressa' phoned him one night. She was quite shaken
up and in tears, and told him that a friend of hers at school had invited her to
go for a ride with her out into the countryside. This girl friend was somewhat
strange, and a loner and would often disappear and be away from school for days
or even weeks at a time. As they were driving in the countryside, according to
'Laressa', this girl drove the car right towards a hill and before she knew what
was happening the hill opened up into an underground 'road' and they eventually
found themselves right in the middle of an underground city. She went on to say
that the city was used by the 'D-Forces', a human group who used the symbol of a
'wolf' (on jewelry, etc.), and who were in conflict with another human group
called the 'T-Forces'. Both, she learned, possessed 'UFO' type craft, and the
T-Forces were less powerful but were growing stronger day by day. This might
tie-in with Shaver's "Dero's" and "Tero's".
Several years ago a man by the name of Steve Brodie claimed to
have been abducted into an underground base in Arizona and later found himself
walking the streets of New York City six months later with little or no memory
of where he had been. Brodie told his story to researcher John J. Robinson, who
related it on Long John Nebel's W.O.R. radio show in New York City. Before
Brodie mysteriously disappeared again he had told Robinson that he had the
feeling he was 'being watched'. His only recollection of the abduction was of
being in a dungeon-like cavern in a cage-like enclosure with other humans who
had told him that their captors (who wore dark, hooded capes) were known as the
'dero'. This name comes up again and again, but whether it refers to sorcerers,
sauroids or synthetic beings is any ones guess. Perhaps as we've suggested all
three are involved!? There have nevertheless been reports of 'possible'
reptilian hominoids posing as human-like beings, such as the 'alien' described
on p. 109 of John Keel's book 'THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES':
"I am an amateur herpetologist and once kept three-fanged cobras
in my New York apartment... until my concerned neighbors squealed to the Board
notion to anyone. But on July 24, Lia (an alleged alien tied-in with the Men In
Black) visited Jane (a contactee) and refused to talk about anything but eggs.
She took some eggs from Jane's refrigerator and sucked out the contents like a
reptile! Jane was perplexed by this exhibition and called me soon afterward."
And on pp. 176-177 of Signet's 1975 paperback edition of 'MOTHMEN', in reference
to this same 'contactee' Keel states: "...Meanwhile, Jane's phantom friends were
visiting her daily and helpfully giving her surprising information about my own
'secret' investigations. My interview with the Christiansens of Cape May, and
the details of their pill-popping visitor, Tiny, was then known only to a few
trusted people like Ivan Sanderson. But on June 12, Mr. Apol and his friends
(the being that called itself 'Lia', referred to above, apparently being from
this same group - Branton) visited Jane when she was alone in her house and
asked for water so they could take some pills. Then they presented her with
three of the same pills, told her to take one at that moment, and to take one
other in two days. The third pill, they said, was for her to analyze to assure
herself it was harmless. They undoubtedly knew she would turn it over to me. Two
hours after she took the first pill she came down with a blinding headache, her
eyes became bloodshot, and her vision in her right eye was affected. When her
parents came home they expressed concern because her eyes were glassy and her
right eye seemed to have a cast. The sample pill proved to be a SULFA DRUG
normally prescribed for infections of the urinary tract..." The possible
significance of the "Sulfa" drugs will become apparent later on in these
Theodore Illion, in his book 'DARKNESS OVER TIBET', the
inhabitants of an underground city beneath Tibet which the author claimed to
have stumbled on. This underground community was allegedly ruled over by a
powerful sorcerer who was part of an international secret society and who kept
the inhabitants, many of whom were people who had 'disappeared' from the world
above, under complete mind control to the point that they lacked any
personality, their eyes were vacant and empty, and their lives were emotionless
and drone-like, much like an ant colony. Or in other words, much like certain
'MIB'-like beings who have been encountered by UFO witnesses. This sorcerer was
allegedly in contact with an infernal (reptilian?) race via a 'bottomless shaft'
which descended through the city itself. Keep in mind the 'drone-like' aspect of
certain people tied-in with alien activity, as it is a common threat than can be
found in other caves involving UFO's, Conspiracies and Caverns.
These two accounts (Illion's and especially "Laressa's" account as
given in CAVEAT EMPTOR) tend to confirm that two opposing (?) beliefs somewhat
similar to the conflict between socialism on the left and fascism on the right,
have caused a great deal of conflict between many HUMAN inhabitants of these
nether regions. When we consider that socialism and fascism are apparently being
manipulated by the same source, i.e. the Illuminati (which in turn as we've seen
is ultimately controlled by the serpent race) in order to turn humanity against
itself so they can more readily be kept under subjection and control; then is it
possible that a similar scenario is taking place in human civilizations beneath
the surface of this planet? There is evidence that the Illuminati is not only
aware of the existence of these subsurface communities (for instance the
subterranean connection apparently existing beneath the Masonic U.S.
headquarters of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite located in the "House of
the Temple" within Washington D.C.) but is intricately involved in manipulating
it's affairs as it has done in surface society. So we see how it may be possible
that the entire planet, whether surface or subsurface societies, may be subject
to Reptilian - serpent cult - Illuminati manipulation via the
Jesuit-Rosicrucian-Masonic movements.
The CAVEAT EMPTOR account, as well as many others which have been
gathered by various writers, seems to indicate that these two "factions" which
largely exist among the subterranean civilizations are known as the T-Forces
(Tero's) and the D-Forces (Dero's). Each of these apparently "worship" either
the positive or negative aspects of the electromagnetic "force", possibly
similar to the so-called "light side" and the "dark side" of the "force" as
depicted in the STAR WARS series. We realize that this concept may sound rather
strange to us on the surface, but when we realize that intense electromagnetic
currents may exist deep beneath the earth then it is entirely possible that any
human civilization which might inhabit those regions may attempt to utilize this
energy source to the point of utter dependence. If this is the case, then both
of these groups would not be worshipping "God" in the Judeo-Christian sense, but
rather a form of pantheistic nature-worship, the worship of CREATED FORCES
inhabit these regions adhere to this peculiar belief system.
There have been several accounts concerning individuals who have
encountered human beings - some who spoke the native language and others who
spoke a language entirely foreign - within deep underground tunnels and caverns.
There are many such cases, but we will refer to only one of these at this point
(and will reserve the others for later in the text), an incident which may be
one the most well-known and most well-documented accounts of this type:
Sometime during the 12 century, a monastic chronicler in England
by the name of "Gervase of Tilbury" recorded a strange account of two "children"
who suddenly appeared near a small town near Bury St. Edmunds, England. The
account was also recorded in the writings of several other chroniclers who lived
at the time or sometime afterwards. These include: William of Newbury - HISTORIA
RERUM ANGLICARUM, written in Yorkshire, England (1136-1198?); Abbot Ralph of
Coggeshall - CHRONICON ANGLICARUM; and also the chroniclers Giraldus Cambrensis
and Walsingham. The account was more recently related in FLYING SAUCERS
UNCENSORED, by Harold T. Wilkins (Citadel Press., New York, N.Y. 1955., pp.
97-98). From their combined accounts we can piece together the following bizarre
story which the chroniclers swore to be true.
One warm, sunny day in the 12th century some farmers and other
residents of the small town of Wolfpittes, England - some seven miles distant
from the larger village of Burry St. Edmunds - were startled to see two young
children wandering around as if disoriented in some ancient "pits" or "trenches"
known to the locals as the "Wolf-Pitts", after which the small village had taken
it's name. These excavations were ancient, but no one seemed to know when or by
whom they were dug, but the consensus was that they were at least partly
artificial, and very ancient. The most shocking thing about the children, which
the residents of Wolfpittes encountered, was that they had skin which was
olive-green in colour, yet the rest of their features were as human as the
average Englishman.
The villagers attempted to communicate with the children but were
unsuccessful as they soon discovered that the young boy and girl spoke a
language which was completely unfamiliar to the villagers. The townspeople had
compassion on the children and took them to the village and offered them various
different kinds of food, all of which they seemed unfamiliar with and which they
refused. However, when they were shown some beanstalks, they took them greedily,
but instead of opening the bean-pods, the children attempted to open the stalks
themselves, as if they had been accustomed to opening stalks in this way
(apparently a practice they had learned in the land from which they emerged).
Upon finding nothing in the stalks, the children began to weep. Unfortunately,
the shock of entering our world was too much for the young boy, and even though
he became partly acclimated to other forms of food, he nevertheless became
weaker and weaker and finally died a few years afterwards. The young girl,
however, adjusted quite well to her new surroundings. In fact she eventually
grew into a mature, beautiful woman, and later married a gentleman from the
nearby town of Kings Lynn. As time passed, her husband patiently instructed her
in the complexities of the English language, and soon she was able to
communicate fairly well, and the story she told of where she had come from and
how she had arrived in our "world" with her brother was even more incredible.
She told her husband that her people all had skin similar to hers,
or rather to what her skin had once been like, as over a period of years the
greenish tinge had left her. She described her world as a cavernous,
subterranean country of enormous size, a country which went by the name of "St.
Martin's Land." The land in which she lived was described as "twilight" in
nature, yet there was a large underground river, on the other side of which
there was another land more brightly lit. One day, she and her brother were
herding some type of underground animal when they heard something like the sound
of "bells" emerging from one of the cave passages or tunnels which lined the
perimeter of this underground land. Out of extreme curiosity, they entered this
tunnel and followed the passage upwards for what could have been a few days,
although in their underground land they probably did not have any concept of
what "day" or "night" was. After their long and weary journey up the steep
incline they suddenly emerged into the brilliant sunlight of the British
countryside. The change from their twilight world was dramatic, and the children
walked around in the pits or trenches starved, half-blinded and disoriented.
They shortly afterwards attempted to re-locate the small opening through which
they had emerged, but were unable to do so, because of the blinding light. At
about this point the farmers found them and took them to the village.
A somewhat similar incident "may" have been repeated in the small
hamlet of Banjos (or Banos) Spain in August of 1887, several hundred years after
the incident at Wolfpittes and several hundred miles distant. We state that it
MAY have been repeated to some degree simply because there seems to be some
confusion surrounding the Banjos account, apparently due to the possibility that
some well-meaning researcher may have confused the two incident, in essence
attributing some of the events that in fact took place near Wolfpittes with the
Banjos account. Basically, the Banjos incident reportedly had to do with two
children who emerged from a CAVERN near the town (not "pits" or "excavations"),
spoke an unknown language, and so on, although the details are sketchy. Some of
the accounts of the Banjos incident repeat the Wolfpittes story almost verbatim,
as if, as we said, someone somewhere mistakenly confused the two incidents,
perhaps due to a lack of detail in the Banjos, Spain account. Whatever the case,
it seems that SOMETHING of this general nature also occurred in this Spanish
hamlet, even though the exact sources of the story are much more difficult to
trace than are the sources for the Wolfpittes account. Paris Flammonde refers to
this account in his book: THE AGE OF FLYING SAUCERS (Hawthorn Books, N.Y., p.
197), having learned it from an article in the September, 1967 issue of ORBIT
Magazine, which in turn gave credit to an article in the Vol. XII, August 1967
issue of Dan Fry's UNDERSTANDING Magazine. Fry claimed that he got the story
from an article by John Macklin which appeared in the December, 1966 issue of
GRIT Magazine. The account also appears in John Macklin's book STRANGE DESTINIES
(Ace Books., N.Y.); Jacques Bergier's LES EXTRA-TERRESTRES; and also appeared in
the British periodical WEEKEND, on July 22, 1970.
(end of part 3)