Communist Machines
(1) Precursors in the Carbonari
"It has been said that the European version of the Order of the
Illuminati contributed in no small measure to the development of revolutionary
doctrines which eventually culminated in the Russian and other Communist
Machines." "...As soon as, perhaps sooner than Weishaupt had passed away, the
supreme government of all the Secret Societies of the world was exercised by the
Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari. The Alta Vendita ruled
the blackest Freemasonry of France, German, and England; and until Mazzini
wrenched the scepter of the dark Empire from that body, it continued with
consummate ability to direct the revolutions of Europe." In 1816, Charles Nodier, an alleged Grand Master of the Priory of
Sion, "published anonymously one of his most curious and influential works, A
History of Secret Societies in the Army under Napoleon...It develops a
comprehensive philosophy of secret societies. And it credits such societies with
a number of historical accomplishments, including the downfall of
Napoleon." "In the early nineteenth century, certain figures - Charles
Nodier, for example...and Filippo Buonarroti, a master conspirator who was much
admired by such men as Bakunin - make a point of inventing, and disseminating
information about a number of wholly fictitious secret societies. So convincing
was this information that perfectly innocent people found themselves being
harried and persecuted for alleged membership of clandestine organizations that
did not exist. Confronted by such persecution, the victims, as a means of
self-defense, began to form themselves into a real secret society which
conformed to the blueprint of the fictitious one." According to the Carbonari, or "charcoal-burners", the history of
this organization started in Scotland as happy democratic mystics. "For the
purpose of avoiding suspicion of ulterior motives, they took to
charcoal-burning, which is described as the industry par excellence of
Scotland." Francis I, King of France, was supposedly admitted to the Order.
"When he went back to France, he scrupulously fulfilled his undertaking,
declaring himself Protector of the Carbonari, and he increased their numbers.
The Order now spread through Germany, France and England."
"It has been said by some historians that the inspiration of the
Carbonari and similar societies came from pre-Christian times, for there were
settled in the Alps communities which seemed to owe allegiance to Gnostic and
other ideas which some profess to see reflected in Freemasonry, Templarism and
the discipleship of the way of the Sufis."
"The Italian patriots Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cavour revived the
secret society after 1830, and its members were again found to be ready for any
sacrifice for republicanism and rule by the Carbonari. The effect which they had
upon the world was considerable: and it continued to be so. For fifty years they
had fought in civil war; they spread to many other lands, including Germany,
where they were responsible for the Totenbund (the Death League) which was
dedicated to assassinating tyrants.) (2) The Palladian Rite Hoax
"In 1870, Mazzini and Pike reached an agreement for the creation
of the new supreme rite, to be called the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Pike
was to be called the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and Mazzini was
to be called Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Pike was to draw up the
statutes and grades." "No mention of it would ever be made in the assemblies of the
Lodges and Inner Shrines of other rites...for the secret of the new institution
was only to be divulged with the greatest caution to a chosen few belonging to
the ordinary high grades. "Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its
religion in Manichean new-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and
that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay. The whole masonic world was set up at
Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium." "If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (The God of the Christians)
whose deeds prove his cruelty...and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for
science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and
unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light
without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black.
"That is why the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as,
after them, the Gnostics, the Manicheans and the Templars have admitted, as the
only logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles
fighting eternally, and one cannot believe the one inferior in power to the
other. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy; and the true and pure
philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer,
God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God
of Darkness and Evil." "In the 1880s,there was a Parisian publisher named Leo Taxil who
was famous for his scurrilous anti- Catholic tracts. Then one morning he
proclaimed his conversion to Catholicism. Shortly thereafter, he declared that
he had unearthed the doings of the Satanic Masonic sect called the Paladins. He
began publishing the memoirs of a woman named Sophia Walden, who claimed to have
left the order. For two years this fed into an anti-Masonic hysteria in Europe,
and there was even a Papal Benediction given to Sophia Walden, whom no one had
even met. After a few years, Taxil broke down and confessed that he'd made it
all up. It's interesting that one hundred years ago, you also saw nativist
stories in the United States about Masons, Catholics and Mormons who were
allegedly kidnapping children and holding them as slaves. And a hundred years
later, we seem to be experiencing more of the same." "In many anti-Masonic books you'll see what is supposed to be a
quotation from Pike, saying that all Masons of the 'Higher Degrees' are secret
worshipers of Lucifer. The historical fact is that those words were written in
1894, three years after Pike's death. They were written by a notorious atheist
and pornographer named Gabriel Jogand-Pages who was better known by his pen
name, Leo Taxil. Taxil was engaged in an elaborate hoax to discredit the Church
of Rome and made up the Pike quotation out of thin air.
"His purpose was to show that the Church had failed to recognize
the 'threat' posed by Freemasonry and was, therefore, headed by fools and
incompetents. Taxil publicly admitted the hoax in 1897, but it had already been
published by a man named Abel Clarin de la Rive, who took Taxil's hoax at face
"Rive's book, La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie
Universelle (Woman and Child in Universal Freemasonry), was quoted by Edith
Starr Miller in 1933 in her book Occult Theocrasy. She translated the
'quotation' into English. "Since that time, several writers of anti-Masonic
books have simply repeated the 'quotation' without checking on its source or
authenticity. Taxil's public confession notwithstanding, the lie continues to
shadow the name of Pike, who was, to his death, an Episcopalian
Christian." (3) The Russian Revolution
The February 1917 Revolution was provoked by Freemasons and was
operated from the few masonic Lodges left after decades of persecution from
Tsarist Secret Police. Alexander Kerensky, Justice Minister in the provisional
government of Prince Georgi Yevegenievich Lvov, was a Freemason. After the
Petrograd uprising in July 1917 which led to the resignation of Lvov, Kerensky
took over as Prime Minister and appointed exclusively Masons to the
government." "In its organization, in its techniques for recruitment, in its
means of eliciting loyalty from its adherents, in its Messianic urgency, Lenin's
revolutionary party structure derives directly from Bakunin, as Lenin himself
acknowledges in his notebooks. But for Bakunin, revolution was more than a
social and political phenomenon. It was ultimately cosmic, theological,
religious in character. Having spent more than twenty years working his way up
through the ranks of Freemasonry, Bakunin had acquired a metaphysical
philosophical framework for his social and political ideas. Bakunin was a
self-proclaimed Satanist. According to one commentator, he saw Satan 'as the
spiritual had of revolutionaries, the true author of human liberation'. Satan
was not only the supreme rebel, but also the supreme freedom-fighter against the
tyrannical God of Judaism and Christianity. The established institutions of
church and state were instruments of the oppressive Judaeo-Christian God, and
according to Bakunin it was a moral, and theological obligation to oppose them.
Although Lenin himself never explicitly indulged in any such cosmological
conceptions, there is no question that he recognized their
utility." Bakunin and Lenin "were both apocalyptic zealots, while their
Marxist rivals...were - in comparison - Pharisees."