George Bush, Skull & Bones and the NWO -
part 4 of 4
Throughout this short study of the Order of Skull & Bones,
emphasis has been placed on the philosophy, the rituals and the modus operandi
of the Bonesmen who have devoted their post-Yale careers to world politics. This
particular emphasis was chosen in order to provide the Japanese reader with an
insight into how the Bush presidency views the rest of the world, so that it
will be possible for Japan to better understand what it faces in the
post-Persian Gulf War strategic environment.
The implications of Skull & Bones domination over American
policymaking under the Bush presidency are enormous. Japan must be prepared to
meet what amounts to a fundamentally new challenge. Few of the postwar
experiences in U.S. Japanese relations will have prepared the Japanese
government and the leaders of Japanese industry and finance for-what they now
In the recent past, the policy of Washington toward Japan has been
simply to use political leverage, mostly related to Japan's regional security
concerns, to exact compromises and concessions in the economic and financial
sphere. But the United States, under its policy of free trade, privatization of
the monetary and credit mechanisms, and the transition to post-industrial
service-oriented forms of economic activity at home has suffered a gradual but
steady decline over the past 20 to 30 years. Japan, meanwhile, has prospered
under a more protectionist and industry oriented policy.
In the past decade, Japan has been increasingly thrust into the
role of scapegoat for the decline of American prosperity, while at the same time
coming under mounting pressure to help finance the United States out of its
economic mess. The pressures upon Japan to bail out its postwar big brother have
caused tensions between Washington and Tokyo, but the Cold War had provided a
common security interest that generally offset the occasional rough language.
Under the George Bush Skull & Bones regime at the White House
all that has changed. True to the Bonesmen's credo of constructive chaos and
global political domination by the WASP Establishment, the United States is now
out to dominate U.S.-Japanese relations with a degree of brutal frankness that
will fly in the face of all previous American sensitivities to Japan's honor.
Gone are the days of former U.S. Ambassador Michael Mansfield, who always sought
to maintain a public climate of friendship and cooperation between the two
nations even when behind the scenes he was taking the toughest of stands on the
most divisive issues.
Under the American-led New World Order, Japan can expect to be
treated with far less respect publicly. It can expect that the Bush
administration, including his coterie of former top CIA men now working directly
out of the Oval Office, will be constantly interfering, covertly in the internal
affairs of Nippon.
This shift in style has held sway since the Bush inauguration and
the subsequent appointment of Michael Armacost as U.S. Ambassador to Tokyo.
Armacost has assumed the posture of a Roman pro-consul, dictating policy to a
weak satrap, rather than to engage, in diplomatic dialogue. Armacost's
performance even before the recent events in the Persian Gulf reestablished
American military might as the defining factor in world affairs should have
provided the Japanese leadership with a clue as to the shift under way in
Washington's new policy approach.
The Bush policy can best be described as a sophisticated
containment policy. The new approach to Pacific affairs was telegraphed in the
early days of the Bush administration when the president deployed three of his
most trusted senior spooks to three critical Asian diplomatic posts: Armacost
was sent to Tokyo; Bush's vice presidential national security aide and former
career CIA operator Donald Gregg was sent to Seoul; and John Lilly, another
career CIA man and a fellow Yale Skull & Bones member, was sent to Beijing.
The fact that three of the CIA's most experienced clandestine field operators
were assigned the senior diplomatic posts says a great deal about the Bush
administradon's intentions to conduct sophisticated political-warfare and sow
confusion among the three major nations of the Far East. Bush clearly intends to
pursue the historic Skull & Bones mission of extending America's dominion
over the entire Pacific region. The idea of even paying lip service to equal
partnership between Washington and Tokyo is over, at least for the time being.
The process of internally weakening Japan's resistance to this
overarching domination by Washington's New World Order began with the Recruit
scandal, when the Takeshita government was brought down through a U.S. inspired
secret intelligence operation. One of the primary targets of that operation was
Yashuhiro Nakasone, the former prime minister and the architect of Japan's
post-1973 effort to develop independent ties to the oil-producing Arab states of
the Persian Gulf.
It is important to understand that Bush's WASP warriors, while
adopting a similar approach of non-compromise and domination over Israel and the
Zionist lobby inside the United States, will not hesitate to use the Jewish
lobby as an instrument for bashing Japan into line. Thus, Commerce Secretary
Robert Mosbacher went out of his way to encourage the Anti-Defamation League's
leadership convention, which he addressed last year, to join with the Bush
administration in pressuring Japan to submit to American free trade demands.
The Bush administration will at times encourage the Zionist lobby
and Israel to mercilessly attack Japan and will at other times severely
criticize Zionist "insensitivity" to Tokyo. This will all be part of the Bush
strategy to dominate the Pacific Rim by playing one country or faction off
against another, using hard cop-soft cop and other classic techniques of the
intelligence trade.
Japan will be offered a limited junior partner status in the New
World Order, while coming under mounting pressure to continue providing tribute
to finance the American imperium. Above all else, Japan will be forbidden from
developing any independent foreign policy toward its neighbors, the Soviet
Union, the Arab world or anyone else. Such programs as the Global Infrastructure
Fund, to the extent that they pose an alternative to the U.S.-dominated
international regime, will be vetoed.
As a subservient junior partner in the New World Order
arrangement, Japan's financial and economic muscle will be used as the
piggy-bank for U.S. imperial objectives. The $14 billion "contribution" to the
U.S. led Gulf-War coalition was another benchmark in the transition in U.S.
Japanese reladons, as was President Bush's abrupt cancellation of his long
sheduled state visit to Tokyo. When the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party
(LDP) attempted to visit Kuwait immediately after the gulf cease-fire in March
l991, the U.S. State Department refused to grant him permission to go into the
American-occupied-territory. These intentional diplomatic affronts should be
understood as telling signs of the new American-Japanese relationship.
On the other-hand, President Bush also suddenly scheduled a brief
summit with Japanese Prime Minister Kaifu in Newport Beach, California for April
4, 1991. One purpose of the sudden meeting was to lay out clear parameters of
acceptable behavior on the part of the Japanese government when the prime
minister meets later in April with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Japanese
Soviet relations, like all other crucial Japanese foreign relations, will be
expected to conform with those of the U.S.
An essential blackmail "stick" that the Bush administration
intends to hold over Tokyo is-Japanese dependency on Persian Gulf oil. As-the
result of the Gulf War and the post war American military occupation of Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia and other-key oil-producing sheikdoms, the Bush administration will
exert unabashed control over world oil supplies and prices. In the New World
Order, Japan's oil supply will be increasingly linked to concessions on a range
of monetary and economic issues, including the Global Agreements on Trade and
Tariffs (GATT) talks, which broke up last year as the result of largely Japanese
and continental European resistance to the pure free-trade system sought by Bush
and Thatcher. Assistant Treasury Secretary David Mulford, a former senior
official at White Weld Securities, Inc. which restructured Saudi Arabia's entire
financial apparatus, has recently announced that he will seek to prosecute Japan
for its violations of the GATT regulations that call upon Tokyo to surrender
government control over interest rate policies to the international banking
The Bush presidency, with its ambitious drive for domination over
former friends and foes alike, poses an unprecedented challenge to Japan. While
this is neither the time nor the place to offer a solution to the growing
dilemma, the profile of the men of Skull & Bones in this white paper should
provide the Japanese reader with helpful insights into the nature of the
American WASP warrior class and the secret society which spawned it.
"Bush Boy's Club: Skull and Bones." Covert Information Action
Bulletin, Winter, 1990.
Halberstam, David. The Best and the Brightest. Random House, New
York, 1969.
Hodgson, Godfrey. The Colonel: The Life and Wars of Henry Stimson.
Afred Knopf, New York, 1990.
Isaacson, Walter and Evan Thomas. The Wisemen: Six Friends and the
World They Made. Simon and Schuster, New York, l986.
"Membership List of All Skull and Bones Members From 1833-1950."
The Russell Trust Association, New Haven, Conn., 1949.
Ranleagh, John. The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA. Simon
and Schuster, New York, 1986.
Rosenbaum, Ron. "Skull and Bones: An Elegy for Mumbo Jumbo."
Esquire Magazine, September, 1977.
"Skull and Bones: A Short History." Excecutive Intelligence
Review, January 30, 1980.
Stimson, Henry and McGcorge Bundy. In Active Service in Peace and
War. Octagon Press, New York, 1949
Sutton, Antony C. America's Secret Establishrnent: An Introduction
to the Order of Skull and Bones. Liberty Press, Billings, Mont., 1986.
Winks, Robin. Cloak and Gown Scholars in the Secret War William
Morrow, New York, 1987.
Some Prominent Members of Skull & Bones
William F. Buckley, Jr. (Bones Class of 1950) Founder of National
Review, the leading conservative magazine in the United States. Brother James
(Skull & Bones l944) is now a member of the U.S. Court of Appeals. William
F. Buckley, Jr., former CIA officer in Mexico, also built the political
grassroots conservative movement in the U.S. in the 1960s. President Bush and
Buckley have recently split over Buckley's strong pro-lsraelism.
McGeorge Bundy (Skull & Bones initiate of 1940) Scion of the
Skull & Bones Bundy family. Father Harvey H. Bundy was Skull & Bones, as
was brother William P. Bundy. McGeorge served in the War Department during World
War II as Henry Stimson's assistant and later became the Nalional Security
Adviser to President Kennedy. William Bundy became a CIA official and later
served in key positions at the Departments of State and Defense. McGeorge headed
the Ford Foundation (1968-1980) and William chaired the Council on Foreign
Relations (1972-1983).
George Bush (initiated in 1948) President of the United States.
Comes from a complete Bones family. Father Prescott, a Bones initiate of the
class of 1917. Uncle George Herbert Walker, Bones Class of 1927. U S Federal
District Court Judge John Walker is also a relative and a Bonesman.
Alfred Cowles (Class of 1913): Built the Cowles Communication
empire based on the Des Moines (lowa) Register and the Minneapolis (Minnesota)
Star and Tribune. These two newspapers play a significant role in shaping the
early presidential primaries, especially in Iowa.
Hugh Cunningham (Bones 1934); CIA man from 1947 to 1973. He served
in top positions in the Clandestine Services, the Board of National Estimates
and later as Director of Training.
Thomas Daniels (initiated in 1914) founder of the largest
agro-business and grain cartel company in Minnesota-Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM)
Served in the Foreign Service and later during World War II as head of the Fats
and Oils Section of the War Produclion Board. ADM Corporation's new head Dwayne
Andreas is one of the most powerful figures in U.S.-Soviet trade relations.
Daniels's only son, John (Bones 1943), also works in ADM. The bank which
underwrites ADM stock issues is the Morgan Stanley investment bank
Richard Ely Danielson (Skull & Bones 1907) Past publisher of
the Atlanric Monthly magazine, one of the leading magazines for seeing which
policy line on a variety of issues is coming out of the Eastern Establishment.
Russell Wheeler Davenport (initiated in 1923); Fortune magazine
writer and editor, made this magazine the leading authority on financial matters
in the United States. Davenport created the Fortune 500 companies list.
Henry P. Davison (Bones Class of l920): Key senior partner in the
Morgan banking and financial trust networks. His fellow Bonesman Harold Stanley
(1908) founded the investment bank Morgan Stanley. Davison and his family helped
set up the Guaranty Trust Corporation which became Morgan Guaranty Thomas
Cochran (1904 Bonesman) was one of the most powerful partners in the Morgan
bank. The influence of the Mgrgan banking system can be seen in its relationship
with the hierarchy of U.S. intelligence. The head of the Office of Strategic
Services, Gen. William Donovan, worked as a Morgan intelligence operative in thc
1920s and prepared the intelligence reports for the Morgan banking concerns on
developments in Europe. F. Trubee Davison became CIA Director of Personnel in
1951 and placed key Bonesmen in the right positions inside the CIA.
Averell Harriman (1913 initiate). Scion of the Harriman railroad
family. His brother Roland (Skull & Bones 1917) ran the investment bank
Brown Brothers Harriman. Averell was one of the most powerful members of the
Skull & Bones fralernity, His government posts ranged from Ambassador to
Russia during World War II and various State Department positions to chief
negotiator on the Vietnam Talks. Confidential adviser to Presidents Roosevelt,
Truman, Kennedy, Johnson and later Nixon and Carter. His investment banking firm
is virtually a Skull & Bones bank-nine senior partners are from Skull &
Bones. President Bush's father worked in Brown Brothers Harriman after helping
to merge several companies in the Unitd Rubber Corporation of America.
Winston Lord (Bones Class of 1959): Chairmah of the Council on
Foreign Relations (1983-l988). Former State Department official and CIA officer
in Asia. China expert. Six members of the Lord family were Skull & Bones,
including Charles Edwin Lord, former Comptroller of the Currency, Department of
the Treasury. Oswald Bates Lord (Skull & Bones l926) married Mary Pillsbury
of the Minnesota based Pillsbury Flour Corporation. Winston Lord is their son.
Robert A. Lovett (1918 initiate): Put together the Brown Brothers
Harriman merger and later organized the aviation industry mobilization for World
War II. Became part of the most exclusive power group in World War II under
Henry Stimson. Lovett was one of the five or six most powerful men in the United
States for nearly 40 years until his death in 1986.
Henry Luce (initiated in 1920): Built the Time-Life publishing
empire. Became the leading publicist of the "American century" doctrine
Dino Pionzio (Bones Class of 1950): CIA deputy chief of station in
Chile during the overthrow of Chilean President Salvador Allende. Now works at
the investment firm Dillion Read.
Alphonso Taft (initiated in 1833): Secretary of War (1876),
Attorney General (1876-1877) and later Minister to Austria and Russia.
Co-founder of Skull & Bones.
Robert A. Taft (1910 initiate); Speaker of the House of
Representatives (1921-1926) and Senator (R-Ohio). Leader of the Isolationist
movement in the 1930s. His son Robert A. Taft, Jr., also senator from Ohio, led
the right-wing of the Republican Party in the 1950s and 1960s. Robert A. Taft,
Jr., however, was the only member of the Taft family who was not Skull &
William H. Taft (Skull & Bones 1878): President of the United
Statcs (1908-1912) and appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1921-1930).
Secretary of War (1904-1908). Trustee, Carnegie Institution. Part of the long
line of Tafts who served in the U.S. government.
William Collins Whitney (initiated 1863): Secretary of the Navy
(1885-1889). Promoter of the Naval Shipyards and financier. Part of the Whitney
family which sent eight of its members to Yale to become Skull & Bonesmen.
Family intermarried with the Payne, Harriman and Vanderbilt clans. The Whitneys
became some of Wall Street's most powerful financiers through the Guaranty and
Knickerbocker Trust Companies.
Current U.S. senators who are Skull & Bones members;
Sen. Jonathan Bingham (D-N.M.).
Sen. David Boren (D-Okla.) is chairman of the Senate Intelligence
Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.); Former Navy Secretary and on the Senate
Intelligenee Committee.
Sen. John Heinz (R-Pa.): Recently killed in an airplane crash. was
a Bonesman as was his father. The Heinz farnily has one of the largest
food-producing companies in the world.
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.): Formerly on the Senate Intelligence
Committee, Kerry is now on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Selected Quotations
* During the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, two Skull &
Bones advisers to President Kennedy, McGeorge Bundy and Robert Lovett, met in
the west wing of the White House to discuss strategy. According to author
Godfrey Hodgson, there was a photograph of master Bonesman Henry L. Stimson,
their mentor, on Lundy's desk. "All during the conversation the old Colonel
seemed to be staring me straight in the face," recalled Lovett. Finally, he said
to Bundy, "Mac, I think the best service we can perform for the president is to
try to approach this as Colonel Stimson would."
* At the Potsdam summit in 1946 when President Truman first met
Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, Stimson told the president: "The chief lesson I
have learned in a long life is that the only way to make a man trustworthy is to
trust him."
* Commenting on the plan of Robert Morgenthau, President Franklin
D. Roosevelt's Treasury Secretary, to deindustrialize Germany after World War
II, Stimson wrote: ". . . just such a crime as the Germans themselves hoped to
perpetrate on their victims . . . a crime against civilization itself?" He added
rather ironically that the plan was like "a beautiful Nazi program! This is to
* "They possessed a common background, common experience, and a
common liking for old wines, proper English and Savile Row clothing," wrote the
biographer of former U.S. Ambassador to Japan Joseph Grew. A top level diplomat
and State Department powerhouse during the first half of the 20th century,
Bonesman Hugh Wilson adds, "The Foreign Service [is] a pretty good club."
* "These men helped establish a distinguished network connecting
Wall Street, Washington, worthy foundations and proper clubs," wrote historian
and former JFK aide Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. "The New York financial and legal
community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities
were Henry L. Stimson and Elihu Root; its present leaders, Robert A. Lovett and
John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie
foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations."
* Brtiish author Godfrey Hodgson stated in an essay on the
American Establishment that it was "characteristic of these men to take on the
burdens of world power with a certain avidity . . . It reflected a grim but
grand duty that was a legacy from half-buried layer of New England Puritanism."
* Averell Harriman's father, owner of the largest railroad company
in the United States at the turn of the century, told his son: "Great wealth is
an obligation and responsibility. Money must work for the country."
* "I scoffed at Harvard's Porcellian club. It was too smug. But to
get into Bones, you had to do something for Yale, wrote Averell Harriman. He
would frequently retum to the "Tomb on High Street." During the Paris Peace
Conference on the Vietnam War, Harriman was quite upset about not being able to
attend a "Bones Reunion." In the book The Wise Men, Harriman is described as
willing to talk openly about national security affairs, but "he refused,
however, to tell [even] his family anything about Bones . . . so complete was
his trust in Bones's code of secrecy . . ."
* Stimson during the liberation of France in 1944 wrote about the
need for France's reconstruction following the Nazi occupation of France:
"America cannot supervise the elections of a great country like France.
Consequently, we must eventually leave the execution of the State Department
formula to the French themselves . . . where we ourselves will assume
responsibility in part or more for its execution according to Anglo-Saxon
* Stimson on Austria and Germany following World War II: "They
[the British] haven't any grasp apparently of the underlying need of proper
economic arrangements to make peace stick . . . If they restore Austria to her
position in which she was left by the Versailles arrangement 25 years ago, why
they would reduce her to a non-self-sustaining state [is beyond me] . . .
Central Europe after the war has got to eat. She has got to be free of tariffs
in order to eat."
* Stimson was "opposed to a Carthaginian Peace" in which Germany
was reduced to a non functioning society. He wrote, "The Ruhr and Saarland . . .
. [must not] be turned into a second rate industrial land . . . regardless of
what it means to Germany . . . [rather] to the welfare of the entire continent "
* In 1948, the debate within the U.S. government over the creation
of the state of Israel was reaching critical intensity. President Truman was the
"dark horse" candidate to defeat the Republican nominee, Thomas Dewey. Truman
thought he needed the Jewish goups to mobilize in his support in order to get
elected. He also believed that after so many years of suffering and persecution,
the Jews deserved a homeland of their own. However, his most trusted foreign
policy advisers, George Marshall, Dean Acheson and Robert Lovett, were,
according to the book The Wise Men, "all dead set against the birth of Israel .
. . However humanitarian a Jewish homeland might seem . . . it posed a real risk
to U.N. national security. It was absolutely vital that the U.S. maintain its
pipeline to Mideast oil. Supporting the Zionist cause would only antagonize the
Arabs." Lovett said, "Israel was one ally too many "
* On Japan, Stimson and McGeorge Bundy wrote their book On Active
Service in Peace and War: "Since 1937, when the Japanese attacked China, Stimson
had been urging, as a private citizen, an embargo on all American trade with
Japan, and this attitude he carried with him into the Cabinet [when he became
Secretary of War]." Stimson prepared a memorandum in 1940 pointing out how Japan
had yielded before American firmness, in her withdrawal from Shantung and
Siberia in 1919 and her acceptance of naval inferiority in 1921. "Japan,"
Stimson wrote, "has historically shown that she can misinterpret a pacifistic
policy of the United States for weakness. She has also historically shown that
when the United States indicates by clear language and bold actions that she
intends to carry out a clear and afflrmative policy in the Far East, Japan will
yield to that policy even though it conflicts with her own Asiatic policy and
conceived interests. For the United States now to indicate either by soft words
or inconsistent actions that she has no such clear and definite policy towards
the Far East will only encourage Japan to bolder action."
* On December 7, 1941, Stimson wrote in his diary: "When the news
first came that Japan had attacked us, my first feeling was of relief that the
indecision was over and that crisis had come in a way which would unite all our
people. This continued to be my dominant feeling in spite of the news of
catastrophes which quickly developed. For I feel that this country united has
practically nothing to fear, while the apathy and division stirred by
unpatriotic men have been hitherto very discouraging."
* On the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Stimson
wrote in an article for Harper's Weekly in 1947: "My chief purpose was to end
the war in victory with the least possible cost in the lives of men in the
armies which I had helped to raise. In the light that no man, in our position
and subject to our responsibilities, holding in his hands a weapon of such
possibilides for accomplishing this purpose and saving those lives, could have
failed to use it and afterwards looked his countrymen in the face."
* At the Truman White House in the presence of Secretary of State
James Byrnes, Adm Leahy and Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, according to
his biographer: "Stimson had argued consistently for a commitment to allow the
Japanese to keep their Emperor, not because with the memory of Manchuria in his
mind-he had any special sympathy for him, but because only the Emperor could
persuade the Japanese to surrender and therefore save American lives." -fini-