Secret Societies/ New World Order - part 2 of
3 Weishaupt said, "The great strength of our Order lies in its
concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another
name, and another occupation."
Allegations that the Freemason organizations were infiltrated by
the Illuminati during Weishaupt's reign are hogwash. The Freemasons have always
contained the core of Illuminati within their ranks, and that is why they so
freely and so willingly took in and hid the members of Weishaupt's group. You
cannot really believe that the Freemasons, if they were only a simple fraternal
organization, would have risked everything, including their very lives, by
taking in and hiding outlaws who had been condemned by the monarchies of Europe.
It is mainly Freemason authors who have perpetuated the myth that Adam Weishaupt
was the founder of the Illuminati and that the Illuminati was destroyed, never
to surface again.
In 1826 an American Freemason wrote a book revealing Masonic
secrets entitled llustrations of Freemasonry. One of the secrets that he
revealed is that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the
worship of Lucifer. We have since learned the secret of the "story of the murder
of Hiram Abif." Hiram Abif represents intelligence, liberty and truth, and was
struck down by a blow to the neck with a rule, representing the suppression of
speech by the church; then he was struck in the heart with the square,
representing the suppression of belief by the State; and finally he was struck
on the head by a maul, representing the suppression of intellect by the masses.
Freemasonry thus equates the Church, the State, and the masses with tyranny,
intolerance, and ignorance. What Morgan revealed was that the Freemasons were
pledged to avenge Hiram Abif and that their plan was to strike down the Church,
the State, and the freedom of the masses.
Morgan caused a small uproar against the Masons. The small uproar
turned into a full blown anti-Freemason movement when the author, William
Morgan, disappeared. Morgan had apparently been abducted and drowned in Lake
Ontario. It was alleged that fellow Masons had done it, and that they deny to
this day. Who else would have done it? I believe they murdered him. The
newspapers of the time state without reservation that he was murdered by Masons.
The oath of initiation into the Freemasons states that if secrets are told, the
initiate will be murdered. A nationwide furor ensued that resulted in the
creation of an anti-Masonic political party in 1829 by Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow
Weed, and William H. Seward. Interest in several anti-Masonic books was revived
during that period, with the result that Freemasonry suffered a severe loss of
membership. It lasted only a few years and by 1840 the anti-Masonic party was
extinct. Time really does cure all ills.
We know that the British Freemasons are a totally self-serving
group that discriminates in favor of its own whenever jobs, promotions,
contracts, or careers are concerned. The English Freemason organization was used
by the KGB to infiltrate and take over British Intelligence. British
Intelligence is synonomous with Chatham House, more commonly known as the Royal
Institute for International Affairs, the parent organization of the Council on
Foreign Relations in the United States. The English state police,Scotland Yard,
ordered its personnel not to join the Masons for fear the same would happen to
them. Of course, you have been told all your life that the Freemasons are only a
benevolent fraternal organization bent only on community service. Read on, O
innocent one.
Probably the most notorious Freemason lodge is the P2 lodge in
Italy. This group has been implicated in everything from bribery to
assassinations. P2 is directly connected to the Vatican, the Knights of Malta,
and to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. It is powerful and dangerous. The
P2 lodge has succeeded in infiltrating the Vatican and has scored a coup of
tremendous significance: the Pope, John Paul II, has lifted the ban against
Freemasonry. Many high-level members of the Vatican are now Freemasons.
I tell you now that Freemasonry is one of the most wicked and
terrible organizations upon this earth. The Masons are major players in the
struggle for world domination. The 33rd Degree is split into two. One split
contains the core of the Luciferian Illuminati and the other contains those who
have no knowledge of it whatsoever.
ALL of the intelligence officers that I worked for while in Naval
Intelligence were Masons. As I stated before, I believe that my association with
the DeMolay Society as a young adult may have been the reason that I was
selected for Naval Security and Intelligence. However, that is only a guess.
I had intended to go into great detail linking P2, the Prieure de
Sion, the Vatican, the CIA, organizations for a United Europe, and the
Bilderberg Group. Fortunately, Michael Baigent, Righard Leigh & Henry
Lincoln beat me to it. I say fortunately, because they confirm my previous
allegation that I published in my paper "The Secret Government" that the CIA had
plants, called moles, deep within the Vatican. You must read Holy Blood, Holy
Grail and The Messianic Legacy, both by Baigent, Leigh, & Lincoln. Any
reputable bookstore should carry them. Between pages 343 and 361 of The
Messianic Legacy you can read of the alliance of power that resulted in a secret
world government.
Most members of the Freemasons are not aware that the Illuminati
practices what is known as "secrets within secrets," or organizations within
organizations- That is one purpose of initiation. I cannot excuse any of the
members, however, or anyone who joins a society without knowing everything about
the organization is indeed a fool. Only those at the top who have passed every
test truly know what the Masons are hiding, thus rendering it impossible for
anyone outside to know much at all about the group. What does that say about new
members or those who are already members but do not know the ultimate secrets?
It tells me that fools abound. Unlike authors who out of fear have acted as
apologists for the Freemasons, I decline to absolve them of responsibility and
guilt. The Freemasons, like everyone else, are responsible for the cleanliness
of their home. The occupant of a secret house within a secret house within a
secret house cannot clean if he cannot see the number of rooms or what they
contain. Their house is a stinking cesspool. Look to the Masons for the guilty
party if anything happens to me. I believe that they have murdered in the past
and that they will murder in the future.
Their goal is to rule the world. The doctrine of this group is not
democracy or communism, but is a form of fascism. The doctrine is totalitarian
socialism. You must begin to think correctly. The Illuminati are not Communists,
but some Communists are Illuminati. (1) Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy
(antithesis) in WWI, which resulted in the formation of communism and the League
of Nations (synthesis). (2) Democracy and communism (thesis) faced fascism
(antithesis) in WWII and resulted in a more powerful United Nations (synthesis).
(3) Capitalism (thesis) now faces communism (antithesis) and the result will be
the New World Order, totalitarian socialism (synthesis).
The 1953 report of the California Senate Investigating Committee
on Education stated: "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same
hypocritical world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the
illuminati, and that raised its head in our colonies here at the critical period
before the adoption of our Constitution." The California Senate understood that
communism is the work of the Illuminati. They failed to realize that the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are also the work of the
Illuminati. You MUST begin to think correctly. The enemy is not communism, it is
Illuminism. The Communists are not going to be much happier with the New World
Order than we.
I hope to show that most modern secret societies and especially
those that practice degrees of initiation, and that is the key, are really one
society with one purpose. You may call them whatever you wish--the Order of the
Quest, the JASON Society, the Roshaniya, the Qabbalah, the Knights Templar, the
Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Jesuits, the Masons, the Ancient
and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Illuminati, the Nazi Party, the
Communist Party, the Executive Members of the Council on Foreign Relations, The
Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, the Rosicrucians, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Open
Friendly Secret Society (the Vatican), the Russell Trust, the Skull & Bones,
the Scroll & Key, the Order--they are all the same and all work toward the
same ultimate goal, a New World Order.
Many of them, however, disagree on exactly who will rule this New
World Order, and that is what causes them to sometimes pull in opposite
directions while nevertheless proceeding toward the same goal. The Vatican, for
instance, wants the Pope to head the world coalition. Some want Lord Maitreya to
head the New World Order. Lord Maitreya is the front runner, I believe, since
witnesses say he was present on the ship at Malta with Bush, Gorbachev, and the
ten regional heads of the New World Order. "Approximately 200 dignitaries from
around the world attended a major conference initiated by Maitreya in London on
April 21 and 22,1990. Representatives of governments (including the USA),
members of royal families, religious leaders and journalists, all of whom had
met with Maitreya previously, attended the conference." Quote from "Prophecy
Watch" column of Whole Wheat No. 8, Minneapolis.
Someone has also spent an awful lot of money announcing his
presence. The Pope will have to approve him if Maitreya is selected, however,
and that would fulfill the Bible prophecy in the Book of Revelation that states
that the first beast will be given his power by Rome. If you can interpret
Revelation as I can, then you know that the Pope will ultimately win out and
will reign as the second beast.
In 1952 an alliance was formed, bringing them all together for the
first time in history. The Black Families, the Illuminati (the Order), the
Vatican, and the Freemasons now work together to bring about the New World
Order. All will protest their innocence and will do everything within their
power to destroy anyone who suggests otherwise. I will undoubtedly become a
target when this book is published.
You may notice that some of those listed in the preceding
paragraphs do not, or so it appears, practice degrees of initiation. That is the
public view. Look at the Council on Foreign Relations. Many members--in fact,
the majority--never serve on the executive committees. They never go through any
initiation of any kind. They are, in fact, the power base and are used to gain a
consensus of opinion. The majority are not really members but are made to feel
as if they are. In reality they are being used and are unwilling or unable to
understand. The Executive Committee is an inner core of intimate associates,
members of a secret society called the Order of the Quest, also known as the
JASON Society, devoted to a common purpose. The members are an outer circle on
whom the inner core acts by personal persuasion, patronage and social pressure.
That is how they bought Henry Kissinger. Rockefeller gave Kissinger a grant of
$50,000 in the early '50s, a fortune in those days, and made dear old Henry a
member of the CFR. Anyone in the outer circle who does not toe the mark is
summarily expelled and the lesson is not lost on those who remain. Do you
remember the human desire to be a member of the elect? That is the principle at
The real power are men who are always recruited without exception
from the secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull & Bones and
the Scroll & Key. Both societies are secret branches (also called the
Brotherhood of Death) of what is otherwise historically known as the Illuminati.
They are connected to parent organizations in England (The Group of Oxford
University and especially All Souls College), and Germany (the Thule Society,
also called the Brotherhood of Death). I learned this when I was with Naval
Intelligence. I was not able to explain why some members of the Executive
Committee were not listed under the "Addresses" of Chapter 322 of the Skull
& Bones Society until I read The Wise Men by Walter Isaacson & Evan
Thomas, Simon and Schuster, New York. Under illustration #9 in the center of the
book you will find the caption "Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and
on the beach: His initiation into Skull and Bones came at an air base near
Dunkirk." I have found that members of these two societies were chosen on an
ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post-college and were not confined
to only Harvard or Yale attendees.
Only members of the Order are initiated into the Order of the
Quest, the JASON Society that makes up the executive members of the Council on
Foreign Relations and, in fact, the Trilateral Commission as well. The executive
members of the Council on Foreign Relations are the real elect in this country.
George Bush is a member of the Order. Surprised? You shouldn't be. His father
was also a member who helped finance Hitler.
It is important that you know that the members of the Order take
an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or
government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent
oath of allegiance which they may be required to take. They swear allegiance
only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order. George Bush is not a loyal
citizen of the United States but instead is loyal only to the destruction of the
United States and to the formation of the New World Order. According to the oath
Bush took when he was initiated into Skull & Bones, his oath of office as
President of the United States of America means nothing.
The Trilateral Commission is an elite group of some 300 very
prominent business, political, and intellectual decision-makers of Western
Europe, North America, and Japan. This enterprise is a private agency that works
to build up political and economic cooperation among the three regions. Its
grand design, which it no longer hides, is a New World Order.
The Trilateral Commission was the idea of its founder, American
banking magnate David Rockefeller. The real reason for its formation was the
decline of the Council on Foreign Relation's power as a result of the people's
dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War. The reasoning behind the move toward the
Trilateral Commission was the same as entering two horses in the same race. It
doubles the chances of winning. The real power has always remained solidly in
the hands of the Council on Foreign Relations. The Rockefeller family was, is
and always will be the benefactor of both organizations. Rockefeller, though
powerful is not in control in this country or anywhere else. The key to the REAL
power is the fact that Rockefeller had to put out feelers at a Bilderberg Group
meeting in 1972 about forming a private group of trilateral leaders. The
Bilderberg Group gave the nod and Rockefeller's man Zbigniew Brzezinski gathered
up a membership and organized the Trilateral Commission in 1972, not in 1973 as
the Commission claims.
A key to the danger presented by the Trilateral Commission is its
"Seminal Peace," written for them by Harvard Professor Samuel P. Huntington in
the mid '70s. In the paper Professor Huntington recommended that democracy and
economic development be discarded as outdated ideas. He wrote as co-author of
the book The Crisis of Democracy, "We have come to recognize that there are
potential desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially
desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy. A
government which lacks authority will have little ability short of cataclysmic
crisis to impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary."
.....Remember that George Bush was a member of the Trilateral
Commission and only resigned as an expediency to get elected. He believes
wholeheartedly in the Commission and its ideas and ideals. We have elected a
President who believes that democracy and economic development must be
discarded- I tell you now that he is working toward that end. Bush is still a
member of the Order and the CFR.
The JASON Society, or JASON Scholars, takes its name from the
story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, and it is a branch of the Order of the
Quest, one of the highest degrees in the Illuminati. The golden fleece takes on
the role of truth to JASON members. Jason represents the search for the truth.
Therefore the name JASON Society denotes a group of men who are engaged in a
search for the truth. The name Jason is spelled with capital letters when used
as the name of the JASON Society. Lower-case letters are never used when
referring to this secret group. The name may even have a deeper meaning, as the
name "Jason" and the Golden Fleece appear throughout history in relation to
various other secret societies. In these instances the story represents man
(Jason) lookingfor himself (Golden Fleece).
Top Secret documents that I read while with Naval Intelligence
stated that President Eisenhower had commissioned the JASON Society to examine
all of the evidence, facts, lies, and deception and find the truth of the alien
Founders of the JASON Group (not the same as the JASON Society)
include members of the famous Manhattan Project, which brought together almost
every leading physicist in the nation to build the atomic bomb during World War
II. The group is made up mostly of theoretical physicists and is the most elite
gathering of scientific minds in the United States. As of 1987 the membership
included four Nobel Prize winners. Today JASON continues to offer scientific
help the government cannot find anywhere else. They are probably the only group
of scientists in the United States that know the true state of highest
JASON is shrouded in what appears to be unnecessary secrecy. The
group refuses to release its membership list. None of the members list JASON
membership on their official resumes. Working completely behind the scenes,
JASON has guided the nation's most important security decisions. These include,
but are not limited to, Star Wars, submarine warfare, and predictions about the
greenhouse effect. The JASON members are each paid a $500 per-day consultant's
In the documents that I read while with Naval Intelligence the
JASONS predicted that the greenhouse effect would lead ultimately to an ICE AGE.
According to the Pentagon, the JASONS hold the highest and most
restrictive security clearances in the nation. They are given the protocol rank
of rear admiral (two stars) when they visit or travel aboard ships or visit
military bases. The only other reference to the JASON group that I have been
able to find is in The Pentagon Papers. The papers stated that JASON was
responsible for designing the electronic barrier between North and South Vietnam
for the purpose of sealing off infiltration of the South by North Vietnamese
regulars during the Vietnam War. I was stationed on the DMZ and I can tell you
that it did not work.
The veil of secrecy drawn around the JASON Group has been so tight
and so leak-proof since its conception that those who think the government
cannot keep a secret need to reexamine that position. The government was able to
contain the JASON secret except for the one leak; but the JASON Group itself, a
civilian group, did even better. No leaks have ever occurred from within JASON.
JASON is administered by the Mitre Corporation Government contracts allotted to
the Mitre Corporation are in reality allotted to the JASON scientists. This is
done so that the name JASON does not ever appear in documents which may come
under public scrutiny.
What is the difference between the JASON Scholars or JASON Society
and the JASON Group? The documents that I read referred to the JASON Society in
exactly those words. In public documents the only JASON reference is to the
JASON Group, administered by the Mitre Corporation. I believe the JASON Society
is one of the highest degrees above the Skull & Bones and the Scroll &
Key in the Illuminati. In other words, it is a higher level of initiation. The
JASON Group is a scientific organization formed and hired by the JASON Society
and the U.S. Government for obvious reasons.
I know a lot more about the JASON Society and the JASON Group, but
I do not want to injure Mr. Grant Cameron, who has done extensive research on
these subjects. He will publish his research in the coming months. I guarantee
his findings will amaze you.
The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost flank of
America's foreign-policy establishment for more than half a century. The Council
on Foreign Relations is a private organization of business executives, scholars,
and political leaders that studies global problems and play a key role in
developing U.S. foreign policy. The CFR is one of the most powerful
semi-offlcial groups concerned with America's role in international affairs. It
is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and
the Scroll & Key societies of Harvard and Yale, which are both chapters of a
secret branch of the Illuminati known as Chapter 322 of the Order. The members
of the Order make up the Executive Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations
after undergoing initiation into the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON
The Council on Foreign Relations is an off-shoot sister
organization to the British Royal Institute of International Affairs. Their goal
is a New World Order. Although it existed as a dinner dub in New York, it did
not take on its present power until 1921, when it merged with the Royal
Institute of International Affairs and received its financial base from J.P.
Morgan, the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller family, and other Wall Street
banking interests.
The Council on Foreign Relations controls our government. Through
the years its members have infiltrated the entire executive branch, State
Department, Justice Department, CIA, and the top ranks of the military. Every
director of the Central Intelligence Agency has been a member of the CFR. Most
presidents since Roosevelt have been members. The members of the CFR dominate
ownership of the press and most, if not all, of America's top journalists are
members. The CFR does not conform to government policy. The government conforms
to CFR policy.
I read Top Secret documents while with Naval Intelligence that
stated that President Eisenhower had appointed six of the Executive Committee
members of the CFR to sit on the panel called Majesty Twelve also known as
Majority Twelve for security reasons. Majesty Twelve is the secret group that is
supposed to control extraterrestrial information and projects. The documents
stated that Eisenhower had also appointed six members from the Executive branch
of government who were also members of the CFR. The total membership of Majesty
Twelve was nineteen, including Dr. Edward Teller and the six members from the
JASON scientific group. Again, whether this is true or disinformation depends
solely upon the existence of aliens.
The Knights of Malta play a powerful role in this scenario. In the
1930's General Smedley Butler was recruited to help take over the White House.
He was told that he was needed because of his general popularity with the
military. General Butler blew the whistle and named several prominent Americans
as part of the plot. At the top of the list was John J. Raskob, who was a
founding member of the U.S. branch of the Knights of Malta. He was board
chairman of General Motors. He was, at he time, the U.S. Treasurer of the
Knights of Malta. Congressional hearings were held to investigate the plot, but
none of those named, induding Raskob, was ever called to testify and nothing
ever came of the hearings. Although you will find this in the Congressional
records, you will never find it in any history book anywhere.
It is significant that the Iran-Contra episode has many
similarities to the 1930s plot. William Casey was a member of the Knights of
Malta. William Casey, with the help of Vice President Bush, Anne Armstrong and
Donald Regan, caused the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board to be
emasculated so that Bush, Casey, North and others could carry out their dirty
deeds without oversight. They had also developed a plan to suspend the
Constitution of the United States and were preparing to implement the plan when
they were caught. These facts emerged from the hearings but were suppressed by
the committee chairman, Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. You must understand
that tremendous power was involved in both attempts to overthrow the United
States Government.
William Casey was the Director of the CIA. He was a member of the
CFR. Casey was a Knight of Malta. He was the head of Ronald Reagan's political
campaign. He was head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. During the
Nixon administration he was head of the Export-Import Bank.
Casey arranged financing for the Kama River truck factory in the
Soviet Union with 90% of the funds guaranteed or furnished by the U.S. taxpayer.
This factory built military truck and tank engines for the Soviet Army. It was,
and may still be, the largest factory in the world and could produce more heavy
trucks than all U.S. factories together. I believe Casey was murdered.
(end of part 2)
by Milton William Cooper