Book II






Eyes Wide Shut

Psalm 64

FBI logo nf illuminati

For protection,
especially while at sea,
and for a safe return.




The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot
believe it exists.
~ J. Edgar Hoover. 

J edgar Conspiracy




REd cloak symphony














J. Edgar Hoover:

[narrating] When morals decline and good men do nothing, evil flourishes. Every citizen has a duty to learn of this that threatens his home, his children. A society uninterested and unwilling to learn from the past is doomed. We must never forget our history. We must never lower our guard. Even today, there are organizations that have America as their prime target. They would destroy the safety and the happiness of every individual and thrust us into a condition of lawlessness, immorality that passes the imagination.



<- PSALM 1964

J Edgar Hoover Cruising

Treacherous Conspirators Punished by God

1 For the leader. A psalm of David.

2 O God, hear my anguished voice;
from the foes I dread protect my life.

Hoover Drag Quddn

3 Hide me from the malicious crowd,
the mob of evildoers.

FBI hoover

4 They sharpen their tongues like swords,
ready their bows for arrows of poison words.

jfk ambush

5 They shoot at the innocent from ambush,
shoot without risk, catch them unawares.

murder weapon

6 They resolve on their wicked plan; they conspire
to set snares; they say: "Who will see us?"

Illuminati eyes wide shut

7 They devise wicked schemes, conceal the schemes they devise;
the designs of their hearts are hidden.

Women's initiation

8 But God will shoot arrows at them and strike them unawares.

Travolta Broken Arrow

9 They will be brought down by their own tongues;
all who see them will shake their heads.

Rolling Stone Mouth Nelly

10 Then all will fear and proclaim God's deed,
pondering what has been done.

Crossdressing Mick

11 The just will rejoice and take refuge in the LORD;
all the upright will glory in their God.

VLC MEdiaYandex WinampU TorrentNapster Nelly

Juke Box 1964

#1. Psalm 1964

#2. The Animals - House of The Rising Sun

#3. The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love

#4. JFK - Secret Societies

#V. JFK - The Speech

 Great Library Book Shelf

 Vatican Religious Book Shelf

<== Book 2 ==>