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Secret Societies

What Is Meant by the York Rite?

What Is Meant by the York Rite?

YORK RITE MASONRY is the Christian Route of Masonry following the teaching of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven'." AFTER you become a Master Mason, no matter what added Masonic honor may come to you, no matter how high you may rise in the symbolic branches of the order, if you keep your vows as a Master Mason you have attained all there is, fulfilled all there is and received all there is to be received that fraternity and brotherhood, existing under a common impulse, can dispense among those who embrace the laws and edicts of a common procedure.

"Masonry, after all, is but a rule for orderly righteousness."

Royal Arch Masonry:

"The first step in York Rite Masonry is through the Royal Arch. This branch is known as the 'Chapter,' and consists of four degrees. They are Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and the Royal Arch. They bear, perhaps, a closer relation to what is known as speculative Masonry than is contained in any of the works and symbols which have grown out of the three degrees previously received. They are, in fact, a continuance rather than an amplification of Ancient Craft Masonry in that in these degrees is recovered the 'lost word,' in the protection of which Hiram Abif lost his life. They bear the same relation to your Masonic progress that the High School bears to the Grammar School, or that of the work of a finished artist to the efforts of one who while having obtained an artist's credentials, lacks in maturity and experience."

"Royal Arch Masonry has a broadening influence upon the Master's mind. It is a logical sequel to what you have already undertaken and gives you an opportunity of participating in the solution of the problem it presents. It makes you feel that you are a better man for having worked out your own conception of service. and the lessons taught remain with you as a practical guide in your daily life."

Cryptic Masonry:

"Should you desire to more thoroughly familiarize yourself with York Rite Masonry, it is suggested you join with the Council of Royal and Select Master, an adjunct to the York Rite. It is not obligatory in the sense of graduation, but it is absolutely necessary if you want to get the full benefit of the York Rite. "In these degrees, the Royal Master, Select Master and Super-excellent Master, we find, beautifully exemplified, the regard which comes to loyal, faithful and persevering Masons. The work is historic and impressive. To take all the Masonic work and omit the Cryptic Rite would be to forego the most nourishing of the foods which go into your Masonic sustenance. There is little outward glory in taking these degrees, but they afford the Masonic student a source of intense interest and are necessary to a complete understanding of all Masonic procedure."

The Order of The Knights Templar:

"When you have passed through the Royal Arch you become eligible to take the first step in the Order of Knights Templar. This Order is composed of three orders, the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Order of Malta and the Order of the Temple (Knights Templar). In the lessons you will experience the most interesting, the most serious and the most sublime impression which can come to any one who is concerned with those impulses in life which make for better manhood, better citizenship and a better society. They take you from the most ancient times to the moment that you are yourself reminded of all that will some day remain of the shell which you now occupy.

"The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is taken from the Bible and from the history of the Jews at the time of Darius Hystaspis ruler of Persia. It is a simple lesson of how a great monarch was moved to recognize the religious zeal of an oppressed people, and contains a sublime comparison of those forces in life which contend for supremacy. It is designed to impress upon you that there is but one God and that human nature changes but little over great cycles of time. It prepares you for a more serious participation in the work which is to follow, and leaves with you a clearer understanding of its purport.

"The Order of Malta is a symbolic degree, which, like the Order of the Knights Templar, found its inception in the period of the Crusades. Its adherents are known as the Knights of St. John. The Malta cross, which is worn by Knights Templar in uniform, is symbolic of this degree.

"The Order of Knights Templar, which is conferred upon you in the Order of the Temple was founded in the Twelfth century, being much older than Ancient Craft Masonry in its present form. Its purpose was to defend the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. It was a union of the religious With the militant spirit and filled a crying need of the time. Its origin, history and temporary suppression by Philip the Fair and Pope Clement in 1312, furnish the most absorbingly interesting story which has ever connected the activities of any society of men since the dawn of civilization.

"One reason why you are urged to become affiliated with the York Rite is that the world is today in greater need of the Order of Knights Templar than were the heroic crusaders of the Twelfth century. There is more at stake, more to save. You will find in the precepts of this institution a renewed conviction that right must prevail, that oppression, by any class whatsoever, is wrong and incompatible with Christian thought. It still combines a religious and militant spirit, and is pledged to defend those principles and ideals upon which civilization is based.

"When you have been created a Knight Templar you will have been reconsecrated to the service of your country.

"It is an order particularly fitted to American institutions. It embraces those ideals which have made human liberty the watchword of ages. You are impressed with your responsibility not only as man and a Mason, but as a citizen and defender of the society of which you are a part. Nothing seditious can live in the ranks Knights Templar. It offers no asylum to the disloyal and no succor to those who seek to destroy what our forebears have builded. To a Knight Templar you must be right with God and country, honest with yourself and with others, ever ready to lay down your life, if need be, in the service of truth, righteousness and justice. You are pledged to follow the banner of your Order and the American flag wherever they lead in human service, no matter what may be your condition in life or station in society.

"If you are willing to subscribe to these precepts you are welcome into the York Rite of Masonry, into the Royal Arch, the Council and the Order of Knights Templar. You are welcome not only a member, a sojourner, a companion and knight, but as an active worker in any or all of these activities."

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