Psalm 62

For forgiveness of sins and to gain the blessing
of the Lord.


PSALM 1962

Trust in God Alone
1 For the leader; al Jeduthun. A psalm of David.

4 How long will you set upon people, all of you beating them down,
As though they were a sagging fence or a battered wall?

5 Even from my place on high they plot to dislodge me.
They delight in lies; they bless with their mouths,
but inwardly they curse. Selah

6 My soul, be at rest in God alone, from whom comes my hope.

7 God alone is my rock and my salvation,
my secure height; I shall not fall.

8 My safety and glory are with God, my strong rock and refuge.

9 Trust God at all times, my people!
Pour out your hearts to God our refuge! Selah

10 Mortals are a mere breath, the powerful but an illusion;
On a balance they rise; together they are lighter than air.

11 Do not trust in extortion; in plunder put no empty hope.
Though wealth increase, do not set your heart upon it.

12 One thing God has said; two things I have heard:
Power belongs to God;

13 so too, Lord, does kindness,
And you render to each of us according to our deeds.
Jukebox 1962
